Liliana Ruth Iciksonas
I was born in Córdoba Capital.
Motivated by a family milestone in which my zeide (grandfather) gave my bobe (grandmother) a beautiful piano as a wedding gift and according to what his children say in an amateur way, he sang while she played it... also by chance to some neighbors to play the recorder, at the age of 6 I began to study this last instrument with a private teacher.
At the age of 19 I graduated as a "Flute Teacher" and at 23 years old with a "Graduate in Psychology".
The following years I dedicated myself to perfecting myself by taking classes with great teachers and studying in important conservatories and universities, giving concerts and enriching myself with other cultures in countries such as Israel, Belgium, Austria, the United States (where I lived for some years), Hungary, Spain, Later I graduated as a Mindfulness Teacher.
AREAS Curriculum
I graduated from the Felix T Garzón Higher Conservatory of Music as a Senior Flute Professor. I also graduated from the National University of Córdoba with a degree in Psychology, and I also graduated from the Argentine Mindfulness Association as a Mindfulness ProfessorI later perfected myself in playing the Traverse Flute scholarship from Florida International University for a Master of Music and from the Rubin Academy of Music and Dance at the Hebrew University of Jerusalem.I was a student of the Professors Lars Nilsson and Silvina López, while taking courses and master classes with professors Moshe Epstein and Mijael Melzer (Israeli), Felix Rengli (Swiss), Jorge Ananian (Brazilian), Jorge Luca and Bety Plana (Argentines), James Gordon Lyman (American), Ingela Oions (Norway), Raul Becerra and Cristian Cocchiararo (Argentines).With Psychology I obtained a comprehensive training in various approaches like therapies systemic, gestalt, transactional analysis and neurolinguistics.
Mi interés por la psicología comenzó desde niña admirando el profundo amor que mi mamá me transmitió por su profesión al ser Médica Psiquiatra coordinando sesiones.
Soy Licenciada en Psicología (Matrícula 60296) egresada de la Universidad Nacional de Córdoba.
Los siguientes maestros influyeron profundamente en mi formación profesional: Dra Raquel R. Iciksonas (mamá), Lic Cuqui Vanina, Lic Raul Garcia, Lic Miryam R. de Bornancini, Dr Mario C. Sassi, Lic Ana María Fassi, Coord y Docente Patricia Viaño, Prof Doc Rolando Benenzon, Lic y Prof Susana Satinosky, Stella Maris Maruso, Lic Patricia Vitis, Prof Mario Lombardi entre otros.
Utilizando una psicología integral basada principalmente en el Mindfulness y también en enfoques como la gestalt y sistémica coordino sesiones de terapia individual de modo online.
Currently I coordinate workshopsMINDFULNESS OF MUSIC teaching a training with musical exercises that together with theMindfulness the assistant achieves acquire tools to reduce stress and anxiety.
As a private teacher I have been teaching transverse flute and recorder privately for more than 30 years and virtually for more than 15 years...
As a Traverse Flute teacher I had a tenured position at Colegio San Jorge (Quilmes) for more than 10 years. I also taught at Official Institutes such as the Queens Music School in NY (USA), at the "Felix T. Superior Conservatory of Music . Garzón" from Córdoba (Argentina), in the Orchestra of Ezpeleta, Quilmes (National Social School Orchestra Program) and at the "Juan José Castro" Conservatory of Martinez.
As a Recorder teacher at the Collegium Musicum of Buenos Aires, at the Secondary Institute of Children Singers of Córdoba "Domingo Zípoli" and at the Juan Pedro Esnaola Music School (CABA).
In Musical Education I was a teacher in the Autonomous City of Buenos Aires, in the Province of Buenos Aires and in Córdoba from various Kindergartens, Primary Schools and Secondary Schools.
As a private teacher I have been teaching transverse flute and recorder privately for more than 30 years and virtually for more than 15 years...
From the age of 10 and for a period of seven years I participated with the recorder and transverse flute in the Córdoba Children's Chamber Orchestra dependent on the San Martín Theater Foundation directed by Maestro Carlos Giraudo.
Integrating instrumental tango groups, I represented Argentina on a tour in Europe sponsored by CIOFF, an NGO affiliated with UNESCO, and a tour in the United States (Houston, New Orleans, Miami, San Antonio) sponsored by the Embassy and Casas Argentinas of Houston. and New Orleans, USA.
In Argentina I was part of the programming of Festivals such as the Tango de La Falda and the Folklore de Cosquín. Under the auspices of the Secretary of Culture of Córdoba, he also toured the interior of the province of Córdoba.
As a member of orchestras and wind ensembles I performed in Asunción, Paraguay, USA, Austria, Israel, Belgium and Argentina.
ÁREA Música del Holocausto
Hace mas de 20 años realizo tareas de investigación presentando publicaciones y trabajos como docente de manera oral complementadas con interpretaciones en flauta traversa sobre temas vinculados a “La Música durante el Holocausto”, invitada por ámbitos escolares, Instituciones Nacionales e Internacionales
Algunas participaciones fueron:
-Conferencia Internacional sobre la Educación del Holocausto) organizado por Yad Vashem (Museo del Holocausto) en Israel.
-CRECER EN EL GUETO, CRECER EN EL MUNDO Tercer Encuentro Internacional de Intelectuales organizado por AMIA. Rosario.
-DE CARA AL FUTURO Primer Encuentro Internacional de la Shoa-Holocausto en organizado por la Fundación Memoria del Holocausto y Generaciones de la Shoa en Argentina. Buenos Aires
-PRIMER ENCUENTRO LATINOAMERICANO DE MÚSICA JUDÍA. Organizado por Zamir, la casa de la música judía. Buenos Aires
-APORTE DEL PUEBLO JUDÍO A LA MÚSICA Encuentro Internacional Recreando la Cultura Judía Dedicado a la Música organizado por AMIA. Buenos Aires.
-LA EXPRESIÓN MUSICAL EN LOS GUETOS. Jornada de Capacitación docente organizada por el Museo del Holocausto en Buenos Aires
-ESTRATEGIAS DIDÁCTICAS PARA LA ENSEÑANZA DE LA SHOA. Curso de Capacitación para Madrijim organizado por el Museo del Holocausto de Buenos aires
-LA ENSEÑANZA EL HOLOCAUSTO A TRAVÉS DE LA MÚSICA Curso de ocho clases organizado por AMIA. Buenos Aires.
-SHOÁ RESISTENCIA A TRAVÉS DE LA MÚSICA Mesa Redonda. Disertantes M Benzecry, J Judkovsky, D Wang y L Iciksonas organizado por AMIA. Buenos Aires
Otros talleres y conferencias
*En Capital Federal:
En Macabi, Limud Keshet, Ledor Vador, Ajdut, Club Náutico Hacoaj, Sociedad Hebraica Argentina (Sede Sarmiento), Bnai Brith, NCI - Emanuel, Majon Or Jaia, Salón Dorado de la Casa de la Cultura
*En el Interior del País:
Disertaciones en Comunidades Judias de Villa Lynch, Córdoba (Wizo), Lomas de Zamora, La Plata (AMIA), Hebraica sede Pilar.
Entrevistas de Radio: EL MIRADOR NOCTURNO Onda Corta e Internet. Argentina al Mundo, Entrevistada por Leonardo Liberman. Buenos Aires. EL FARO DE ISRAEL entrevistada por Ariel Masovetzky. RIKU RADIO entrevistada por Mónica Rubinstein. Buenos Aires.
BECAS: Beca otorgada por el Museo del Holocausto de Jerusalén y Beca otorgada por el Fondo Metropolitano de las Artes y Cultura para presentar la Conferencia "Tango en el Holocausto” en el Museo del Holocausto de Jerusalén, Israel..